Wednesday, 29 September 2010



An outstanding film about a character (Marion Cane) who steals $40,000 from her employer in order to marry her husband (something which she has longed yearned for. Desperate to change her life she leaves town with money. After a long drive she decides to spend the night at Bates Motel. She then meets the owner Norman Bate who invites her for dinner they then form a close relationships. Marion decides to take a shower, during the shower she is stabbed to death by an anonymous female character (Norman Bates mum). He presumes his mother killed her, so he tries to erase all the possible evidence. We then introduced to Lily (Marion’s sister) and Milton Arbogast a detective who is hired by Marion employer, as Milton traces Marion to the hotel he is to killed by the anonymous female. Back at Sam's shop he and lily are puzzled that Milton has not retuned. This confusion forces them to visit the sheriff, when they find out that Normans mother had died 10 years ago they realize that the only way to obtain the truth is to visit the mote. They act as a married couple and meet Norman, Same tries to distract Norman whilst Lily sneaks into the house. When Sam claims to Norman that he killed his wife and stole the money he sneakily knocks him unconscious. Norman realizes that lily is not around so he rushes to the house. As lily sees him approaching she hides in a cellar where she discovers a woman sitting in a chair she heads towards it and finds out that it is in fact mummified corpse. Later Norman rushes in wearing his mother's clothes and a wig and a knife. He tries to attack Lila, but Sam subdues him just in time.

The personality and character of Norman Bates makes this film unique and horrifying. At the end we find out that he’s a mentally disturbed character where the dead mother is living in Norman's psyche as an alternate personality. We are told why he is who he is and why he acts in this insane when, we are told that after the death of his father his mother began to see another man, this drive Norman insane so he killed them both. As he was consumed with guilt he tries to “erased the crime" by bringing his mother back to life in his own mind.


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