Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Film session 6

Before we even did this scene I had to rearrange my room. Originally the table was placed were the bed is and the bed was at the far back. This scene was about exploring how depression affects his educational life, for example how it prevents him from being able to revise. I wanted to show the audience that it is a bed room by showing the bed, the original setting would not allow me to do (because you could only see the table not the bed so the audience wont know it is a bedroom), however by rearranging the room where in the frame you can see the desk and the background showing the bed and wardrobe the audiences are able to see a man studying in a bedroom.

I originally planned to bring the TV up stairs in my room to do shot number 2, but because I forgot to do it the night before I never managed to bring the TV upstairs.
The whole point of having the TV part was to show the audience that Mark found it difficult to do simple things like watch TV, and finds it impossible to make decision like decide watch channel to watch.
The TV would show the continuous changing of channels, which he then turns off and the audience would see a black screen highlighting his inability to make a decision which is a symptom of depression, however this mistake of forgetting to arrange the TV prevented me from showing this to the audiences.

This left me with no choice but to shoot what I had planned, and leave TV bit out. As you can see in the film, Mark has the remote in his hand, and then there is a close up to show him pressing the remote, is has the same affect to what I originally planned, as the pressing of the remote emphasis he’s inability to choose a channel.

I also made another mistake, the remote part would only make sense (to the audience) if I did shot number 5 (which shows his placing his palms on his hand which highlights his frustration of not being able to choose a channel), however I forgot the fact that I never this did shot undermined and ruined this part of the film as the audiences wont understand whats happening.

We never had the time to find a therapist leaflet, so instead at school I created a leaflet by a well known charitable organization ‘Samaritans’ I also provided a number to make it look realistic.

The difficulty part of shooting this scene was the suicide note. When Dylan was writing the suicide note, I wanted the audience to hear what his writing in the voice over. So to do this I placed the dialogue sheet in front of him (it was a high angle shot so we only needed to see Dylan arms) and I asked him to read out the suicide note as he was writing it. This would beneficial when it comes to editing, it will firstly make it easier for me to do the voice over (as Dylan could read the dialogue at the same pace), and secondly in editing it will enable me to match the dialogue with the footage accurately and at the same time.

This scene also required Dylan to improvise. In shot number 14, Dylan hears scribbling (he doest hear scribbling of the pen when he’s writing, I intend to create this noise in post production). As he can’t hear it he has to act as if he can hear it and it is irritating him. When he’s writing, I firstly asked him to write slowly because it will allow me to get create a low level scribbling noise, then I tell him to write faster (so to adjust the pitch of this noise in post production), then faster and faster (to adjust it even more higher). The bit when he itches he’s head forcefully I asked him to act as if he can hear a noise which is driven him made, we did it a few times in order to give me more of a chance of matching the high pitched noise with the footage.


Biology revision book and notepad.

‘Of mice and men’, in the film we see a close up of this book I do this because later on we come back to this book in the school scene were on the board you see an essay question based on this book. When he forcefully places the book on the table because he cant read it is meant to be parallel to when he cant do the essay I the classroom. It highlights the fact that the depression he experiences at home has affected his school grades.

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