On the 12th November I planned to film scene the walking scene (Mark walking in and out of school), the library scene, and the class room scene. I was given the opportunity to film with a film maker and I was given a specific time which was period 3, 4, 5.
The classroom scene was the difficult scene, as it had to do the lapse. The problem with doing this scene was that most of the extras were only free at lunch time and had lesson period 5. Tunji (the film maker) had to get lunch so we couldn’t do this scne at lunch time, however I asked him he we could do the class room scene at lunch and he could have lunch period 5, he said yes, he was kind enough to miss lunch and film instead.
There were various issues whilst filming. The main issue was time; I believed that it would take me 1 hour to shoot every scene. I was however wrong Tunju (the film maker) told me that every shot will take 10 minutes to shoot, therefore the plan wouldn’t work.
The walking scene had 14 shoots so there were some issues about whether I was able complete my plan within the time I had. Before we filmed the walking scene I had a shot list, which contained all the shots in chronological order from when the audience will see it in the film. Tunji told me that sticking with this chronological shot list will be time consuming. Before we began to film we created a list of the shots which were relevant and in order for surroundings, for example instead of shooting the shot of him walking up a pavement and then shooting the shot of him walking into the reception and then afterwards shooting the shot of him walking down the pavement (as it this is what the audiences will be seeing) it would be more easier and less time consuming if we shot him walking up the pavement and then walking down it, which is what we did.
(here scan and upload this planned work)
It was a great idea and even though it took us around 20 minutes to create, overall is saved us a lot of time. During this scene we managed to shoot it in around 1 hour, this was because we cut some of the shots I planned which was for example doing a shot in a long shot and then in a mid shot. Time was also being wasted because of traffic, there were many cars and buses walking past whilst we were filming so we had to wait until they went by. If I had done more preparation and had the opportunity to do this again I would have shot is some where quieter or earlier.
Another issue within the scene was shooting the he reception doors (shot number 27 and 28), because it wasn’t automatic doors. The receptionist controlled the doors, so it when we pressed the button an alarm will alert her office and she would then pressed the button to open the reception doors, when she pressed it the doors would open for a limited amount of time and it would close straight away. This clearly effected us, and it meant that when shooting these shots, I had to knock on her window (from outside so to not disturb the shooting) which was a sign for her to open the door, when she pressed the button the door would open Tunji would have to press record and shout action, and then Dylan would have to walk through it quickly before it closed. It wasn’t difficult but it was time consuming, and required a lot of organization.
Once this one done, we had to shoot shot number 30 (the most time consuming shot). The shot required us to shoot from the sixth form common room, and Dylan had to be outside and near the front cage, we were distant from Dylan he was outside and we were nn the top floor of a building. So we had to communicate with Dylan through mobile, before we did it I told him that when I call him it means action, before it was an extreme shot the and he was walking at the same time and all near us when shooting it was difficult as it he had to be seen in the frame, when we did it the first time the camera was too zoomed, the second time we did it was too zoomed out, the 3rd time we did it Dylan was walking to far right, the 4th time we did people were walking past Dylan (I never wanted this because I wanted to highlight he’s isolation and the fact that know was near him), the 4th time we did it was an success. It was a difficult shot because it required mobile communication, and required the camera to be in the right frame and Dylan to be in the right position, we were lucky to have done the shot. However it was time consuming. The time we lost meant that we weren’t able to do the library scene since we only had 30 minute to it, instead I’m going to this scene another day. Instead we began to organize the class room for the class room scene, we had to bring more chairs and tables, a board, line papers, pens and a board marker. Once we organized the room, we were ready to do the class room.
All the extras arrived on time, however another problem confronted us, the teacher could not give us her entire lunch time because she was busy. So we had to shoot here scene first, as it was lunch the extras had to get their lunch, two of extras had already had their lunch, and for her bit I only needed two extras, as you can see this in the image. So I told the extras to get lunch whilst I did her part, we was shot number 33 and 45.
All the extras had come back after they had eaten their lunch, we had 15 minutes to finish this scene. Only shot number 32, 34 and the time lapse required the whole class, we did shot number 32, and 34 with ease and I also added another shot which is the one with him coming on the class.
However we weren’t able to do the time lapse because lunch was over and all the extras had time, It was a major blow because I needed tunju to help me to the time lapse.
In period 5 one the extra sitting next to Dylan was free period 5, so we were able to do shot number 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 38, 42, 43, 44 with ease.
We did the best we could within the time we had, the major blow was not being able to do the time lapse I should which could only be achieved with Tunjis help, I asked him for his email so he could email me how to do it. This means I have to do the shot again, and get the extras back this mat create some continuity problems.

Teacher – she wasn’t able to give us her entire lunch so we did her bit first. (this is shot number 33)

Extras: All these extras were free at lunch time. Because of the many shots used I needed to use the full amount of time planned, this was made impossible because of the time wasted when planning, doing the extreme close up and having to do the teachers bits first, this had a major consequence it prevented me from doing the time lapse, this would effect the film as there might not be continuity (the extras might wear different clothes), also I have to find out when their free (some might not be in school at lunch), also I have to make another film session so delaying the final production.

I here used a two shot in order to make it seems as if she’s talking to the whole, when in reality she’s talking to these two extras,
When I found out that she wasn’t able to give me her entire lunch this benefitted me as I could do her bit first and allow the extras to have lunch, these two extras had already had lunch meaning that I could do her bit and this shot.
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